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Free image encrypt batch tools    download


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Three steps to encrypt:

1, Select images,

2, Select password,

3, Click button "Encrypt".


Three steps to decrypt:

1, Select images,

2, Select password,

3, Click button "Decrypt".



1, This free SwMost encrypt tools use special encryption algorithm, can encrypt almost all image formats.

2, Batch processing, no max limit per process;

3, Password should be 5-10 bits, all chars are allowed, alert will show in case illegal char;

4, High level encryption will be relatively safer, while may cost more time;

5, Encrypted images will be saved to path 'encrypted' under current path, decrypted images will be saved to path 'decrypted' of current path;

6, Please note, any encryption algorithm has possibility to be hacked, we won't commit for it. while to improve the safety, SwMost support iterative processing, no limit for the encrypt times, you can set different PWD for each process.



Law statement

1, Please make sure backup the original images when you use SwMost tools to encrypt them, we are not sure 100% safety although it's our ultimate goal.

2, We won't take any moral and legal responsibility in case you made SwMost encrypted images the only copy of your stuff.

3, We'd like to provide help in case your vital photo lost password, but it's best effort, no official promise or legal commitment.


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